Filmfare Awards 2024 took place on Sunday in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The star-studded awards function saw performances by Kareena Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan and Ranbir Kapoor, among other actors. The event also saw celebs pose on the red carpet in their designer best. From the evening’s host, filmmaker Karan Johar to the cast of Animal and 12th Fail, the Filmfare Awards red carpet was bustling with celebs. Also read: Filmfare Awards 2024 full list of winners
Vikrant Massey, Medha Shankar spotted together
12th Fail’s lead actors Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar posed together on the red carpet. She wore a red saree, while he was in a black suit. Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s 12th Fail has been receiving acclaim. Vikrant has also been getting praise for his performance as Manoj Kumar Sharma, who overcame poverty to become an IPS officer. He won Best Actor (Critics) for his role in 12th Fail at Filmfare Awards 2024.
Ranbir Kapoor looks dapper in suit
The other film that has been widely discussed on social media over the past weeks is Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal. The actor arrived solo to the Filmfare Awards 2024 red carpet. He was awarded Best Actor in a Leading Role at the awards, where Animal’s team, including director Sandeep Reddy Vanga and Ranbir’s co-star Triptii Dimri were in attendance. She wore a silver and black gown for the awards.
Sara Ali Khan wows in black gown
Sara Ali Khan and Janhvi Kapoor also made a statement with their red carpet looks. Both wore glamorous black gown. The actors also set the stage on fire as they performed at the awards. Kareena Kapoor and Karisma Kapoor also performed on stage. They walked the red carpet solo in designer sarees. Rajkummar Rao also looked dapper as he posed on the red carpet. Fardeen Khan, who has been in news for his acting comeback, also made an appearance on the Filmfare Awards 2024 red carpet.
Ahead, see all photos from the Filmfare Awards 2024 red carpet.