Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE will be conducting the board exams for Class 12 from February 15th, 2024, and Economics paper will be held on March 18th. As exams are approaching, the students can check the CBSE Class 12 Economics sample question paper with solutions.
CBSE Class 12 Economics Exam Pattern
Class 12 Economics Paper will have two sections – Section A is Macro Economics and Section B is Indian Economic Development. The paper contains 20 MCQs of one mark each. There are four short answer questions of 3 marks each which need to be answered in 60 to 80 minutes. Further the paper contains 6 short answer questions of four marks each to be answered in 80 to 100 words and 4 long answer questions of 6 marks each in 100 to 150 words
- CBSE Sample Paper 2023-24 Class 12 Economics Sample Question Paper
- CBSE Sample Paper 2023-24 Class 12 Economics Marking Scheme
The economics exam is scheduled for 18th March for three hours. The time is 10.30 AM to 1.30 PM.
CBSE Sample Papers for 2023-24 session was released last year. Along with sample papers, the marking scheme is also available on the official website – cbseacademic.nic.in.
Last year, the Economics paper for class 12 was held on 17th March for 80 marks. Based on initial reactions from students and teachers, the paper was rated moderate with respect to the difficulty level. Few questions were direct whereas few were comprehensive, and application based. The paper was a balanced and analytical paper and as per CBSE Syllabus and in accordance with sample paper.